Friday, December 26, 2008

So this is Christmas

Another Christmas has come and gone. The Christmas season is a very special time of year... Its almost as if your brain is releasing nonstop seratonin for six weeks straight. Family is great to be around but after a while its very challenging and pushes patiences to a new level. To the people that do not believe in Christmas at all, not even the spirit is it just another day? Do they get annoyed by all the icons of Christmas such as the candy cane, reindeer, shopping, music, etc? Maybe they don't let it bother them and they know Christmas time brings out a certain side in people so they find it easier to take advantage of another.

Christmas through a childs eyes is nice but I'm not sure if its that much greater than through an adults. An adults experience of Christmas is much different because we have already experienced so many Christmas's and we know what to expect and what the routine is. Giving is much more fulfilling than recieving both short and long term. Some say the overall Christmas tradition has been tarnished and I would agree with that in the big picture of things but what I think it really comes down to is your families personal tradition of things.

Remember the people stuffing advertisements down your throat are just in it to make that almighty dollar. Their main goal is to sell you a product that will make someone you know happy because everyone should have one and what do we think about when gift buying? What would Harry like that he doesn't already have? This is normal and theres nothing wrong with doing stuff that way but don't get carried away price isn't everything infact small well picked out gifts are usually more meaningful. Our poor ailing economy... New Years is next a whole year is over and its time to start a new one... what will 2009 bring?
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